My Message: The World Doesn’t Need People In It.

People have been a disease to the world. When people use cars and factories we pollute the air. When we pollute the air we are making the troposphere denser and that means the earth will get hotter as there is more air pollution. The more trees we cut down to make room for buildings and use them as material the oxygen we have in our air. Most people think that we only breathe oxygen but we actually only breathe 20% oxygen and the rest is carbon dioxide. If we continue to cut down trees for our own living we will start to breathe less and less oxygen and more carbon dioxide.


If humans never existed I think that the world would be better. Ever since humans came into the world we have been hurting the Earth instead of trying to preserve it for future generations. We have caused so much global warming that scientists predict that the icebergs will melt at a tremendous rate and all land will be covered in water. Since we cut down so many trees our oxygen levels have decreased exponentially. Scientists have said we have to plant 1 trillion trees in order for our oxygen levels to go back to normal.

Most people don’t know the significance of trees and global warming. Most people don’t care that our world is changing and not for the better. People think that they can do whatever they want and there won’t be any consequences. Everything that we do with cars and factories affects the world and we should try and change that even if you don’t care if you don’t help think about all the other people that will suffer because you didn’t want to help.


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